Group Lessons: Sanderson Close, Flynn | Boarding: 817 Good Hope rd, Good Hope. NSW

Snake Safe: Your Trusted Snake Avoidance Training Program

Have Questions? Give us a call 0408 283 283

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Program Overview

During the warmer time of year, the risk of dogs roaming unsupervised increases significantly. Recent research indicates that approximately 60,000 pets, including dogs, are bitten by snakes in Australia alone, with fewer than a third surviving the encounter. The Snake Safe program was launched over 10 years ago by Sidney to help protect dogs from these dangerous situations.  

Why Snake Safety Matters

The danger of snake bites is a serious concern for pet owners. In the event of a snake bite, quick veterinary care is essential, but it comes at a cost. On average, administering anti-venom and covering general veterinary expenses can range between $5,000 and $8,000. In addition to snake bites, some lizards have saliva that can cause septic infections, which, while less common, also pose life-threatening risks.

How the Program Works

The snake avoidance program ‘Snake Safe’ was developed in 2015, in collaboration with leading reptile experts and dog behaviour experts from Australia and the USA. The snake training teaches dogs to recognise and avoid both snakes and lizards, as they can generalise the presence of reptiles. This system provides an effective method for reducing the risks that come with increased snake activity during warmer months.

*Live non-venomous reptiles are used for training


Dog snake avoidance training sessions takes place in Good Hope, Flynn, and additional locations based on demand.

Number of Sessions

Participants complete two sessions, ideally spaced at least a week apart. Dogs are trained to avoid both snakes and lizards.


Sessions are conducted in small groups of 5 to 20 participants, with each session lasting approximately 1 hour.


Please provide a minimum of 24 hours notice to reschedule an appointment. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the lesson fee.

Protect Your Pet

Since launching the Snake Safe program in 2015, we have experienced remarkable success and received countless positive testimonials from clients who have undergone the training. Many have shared stories of near encounters with reptiles, highlighting how their dogs alerted them to the presence of a snake or lizard and instinctively moved away to avoid danger.

I can personally attest to the effectiveness of this training. Last summer, my own dogs encountered a six-foot Brown snake in my yard. Their behaviour changed instantly on spotting the snake, prompting me to call them away. I safely housed my dogs and returned to the yard, only to find that the snake had disappeared.

Our program is not solely focused on protecting the lives of our beloved pets; it is also dedicated to preserving wildlife and promoting harmony between humans and animals in our shared environment. By fostering safer interactions, we can work toward living alongside each other peacefully.

Benefits of Snake Avoidance Training for Your Dog

Snake avoidance training offers numerous benefits for both dogs and their owners:

  • Increased Safety: By learning to avoid snakes, your dog reduces the risk of snake bites, which can be life-threatening.
  • Peace of Mind: You’ll feel more confident taking your dog outdoors, knowing they are trained to avoid danger.
  • Long-Lasting Results: Our training methods are designed to have a long-term impact, ensuring your dog retains their snake avoidance instincts.
  • Personalised Support: We provide ongoing support and refresher courses to ensure your snake dog training remains effective over time.

Our snake avoidance training program is designed to keep your dog safe from snake bites, which can be life-threatening. By enrolling your dog in our program, you can enjoy the great outdoors with peace of mind, knowing that your dog is trained to avoid danger.

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